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Older adult woman smiling while lifting weights

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone!


Have you ever found yourself in a space where you felt like you did not belong?  Or you did not have the authority (or knowledge, skills, education, etc) to hold that space with those around you?  For many people who are starting out on their health journey, this  can be a very common feeling.  Stepping into a wellness center or group exercise class can be extremely intimidating.  It can feel like unfamiliar territory or like you don’t belong.  Everyone else seems like they know what they are doing and you can feel like the odd person out.

I felt this very personally about 10 years ago when I started my health journey in earnest.  A friend of mine who is a runner invited me to come check out her running group.  They were setting goals for 2015 and they had some lofty goals.  Half marathons, full marathons…multiple marathons.  And there I sat, 40 years old, pre-diabetic, morbidly obese, and I could not even jog a mile…let alone run a half marathon.  I did not belong there.  But, this was the space that I was invited into and encouraged to be a part of.  Welcomed by a group of runners who wanted to see everyone in the group succeed in their own personal way.  Fast forward to the end of 2015 and I found myself completing multiple races, including 2 half marathons.

My health journey continued over the next 10 years (and still does to this day).  Losing weight and regaining my health did not happen overnight.  It took days, weeks, and months of decisions and choices.  It also took continually stepping out of my comfort zone to keep active and learning how to push myself in new and different ways.  Although I loved running, it became difficult for me to do, however, I knew I needed that connection and encouragement to stay active.  This led me to group exercise classes.  Within the group exercise classes, I found new friends and encouragement.  I looked forward to going to class 5-6 times a week and pushing myself to stay committed. 

In 2021, I found a new passion in Group Fight, a great cardio workout that also made me feel powerful and energized.  I loved going to class and getting to know the instructors and fellow class participants.  I slowly began to find that I was the encourager instead of needing the encouragement.  After about a year of taking classes, I decided to become an instructor.  Talk about feeling like I was in a space I didn’t belong.  But, there is nothing as fulfilling to me as bringing the joy that I found in class to those around me.  I could have easily told myself that I do not belong in front of a class.  I did not have a background in Health and Wellness.  I have not been “in shape” all my life.  But each time a new participant comes to class and has a great time working out, I am reminded that we are all on the same path. 

We are all striving to be the healthiest that we can be and it’s a space we all belong in!


Kris H., YMCA of Greater Omaha Director of Business Services (and Group Fight instructor!)

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