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Father and daughter packing her backpack for school

Staying on track with family fitness during the back-to-school season can be challenging but rewarding. Here are some tips to help you maintain a healthy routine:

  • Prioritize family fitness: Plan family fitness activities like walks, bike rides, or even mini-workouts before or after school. Treat these like any other important appointment.
  • Weekend adventures: Use weekends for more extended activities, such as hikes or sports, to keep everyone moving.
  • Walk or bike to school: If possible, walking or biking to school can be a great way to start the day actively.
  • Active homework breaks: Encourage short, active breaks during homework time, like stretching or a quick dance session. (Personally a favorite of mine!)
  • Family challenges: Set up fun fitness challenges like who can do the most jumping jacks or hold a plank the longest.
  • Fitness games: Play interactive video games that require movement or create your own backyard obstacle courses.
  • Family fitness goals: Set achievable goals as a family, like walking a certain number of steps daily or participating in a local fun run.
  • Track progress: Use a chart or app to track progress and celebrate milestones together.
  • Adapt to the schedule: Recognize that some days will be busier than others, and it's okay to adjust your fitness routine accordingly.
  • Join local groups: Participate in local sports teams, fitness classes, or community events that promote physical activity.
  • Fitness with friends: Encourage your kids to invite friends for active playdates, making fitness social and enjoyable.
  • Be a role model: Show your kids the importance of staying active by participating in fitness activities yourself.
  • Positive reinforcement: Praise and encourage your children when they engage in physical activity, making it a positive experience, for them and you!

By integrating fitness into your family's daily life and making it enjoyable, you'll help establish healthy habits that can last beyond the school year!


Sabrina S., Charles E. Lakin YMCA Senior Membership Director