Wellness Rooted in Play
Play by definition is to “engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.” hmmm when was the last time we truly played? 2023 is here and we have an opportunity to set some intentions for another 365 days.
Occasionally we can find ourselves putting a lot of pressure on a new year, a “fresh start” but I am here to tell you to find play; Play in your movement and in your everyday life.What does that look like? If wellness and longevity are your goals, you can achieve this in several different ways. Although I will always happily advocate for a structured fitness plan I find a lot of value and consistency with movement in things that bring my heart and mind joy.
Have you ever done an activity such as sand volleyball, skiing, pickleball or a hike and thought to yourself “I didn’t workout today” because you weren’t in a gym spending an hour on that specific task? I sure have. The reality is each time we sit in a chair we are doing a squat and lifting up our kiddo or grandkid we are doing a bicep curl. The moves we do at the gym are often things we do every single day without even thinking about it.
Recreation and doing things you enjoy in place of an occasional workout can equally benefit your body, but does amazing things for your mind and soul. Associating your physical health with activities that bring you joy can help you stay on track with your routine. We all like doing things we enjoy, right? We can have those same expectations in our workouts. Wellness encompasses our mind and bodies and if a day walking out in the sunshine or setting up a hopscotch course on your driveway suits you best then take that time for you; take that time to play.
Hali Sahr, Downtown YMCA Group Exercise Manager