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Women in a group fitness class



Our memberships at the YMCA of Greater Omaha come with several notable perks, but there’s one perk that I believe holds the key to overall better fitness and improved mental health. Free group fitness classes!

The opportunity to improve your overall physical health in a variety of formats suitable for all fitness levels along side the chance to make lifelong connections. I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s almost that time of year where we take stock and count our blessings, I would ask that you also count your connections. Group fitness isn’t just a place where friends hold you accountable for showing up in each class and working hard, it’s a place where you make the kinds of friends who rally around you in your hardest times and rejoice with you in your finest moments.  

The friends and connections I have made in classes at the YMCA have brought so much value to my life that I can’t imagine working out anywhere without them. These groups of people share a common goal to start, that goal then becomes the icing on the cake of the amazing friendships and support systems that are created. We know that having a strong support system not only improves our overall well-being but has been proven to reduce depression and anxiety while reducing stress. The connections we create provide us with happiness, security, and a sense of purpose. They help combat loneliness and allow us opportunities to help and serve others. Our members can be seen sharing coffee in the halls or a game of cards, they can also be seen in those hour-long conversations in the parking lot after class. 

Our classes are outstanding and hold great value and merit for simply providing a great workout each time so if that’s what you’re after you won’t be disappointed. But ask any group fitness lover and they will tell you that one of the best parts of our gym is working out alongside their friends. 

So, if you haven’t tried one yet don’t hold back. Not only are they free with your membership, but they are plentiful! We offered over 300 classes last month, and that was at just one branch! Stop in and try a class, you never know who you might meet. 


Anna S., Armbrust YMCA Health & Wellness Director

Category: Health & Wellness
Image of Anna S. - YMCA Group ex manager

Anna Stech is the Health & Wellness Director at the Armbrust Family YMCA. She teaches several formats like HIIT, Group Fight, Barre, and Pilates. She loves teaching her strength and stretch class to our Active Older Adults group as well. Anna is also a Red Cross CPR/ AED instructor that helps to keep our staff certified to keep our members safe. Anna is passionate about serving her community and loves helping motivate people to get moving!

While you can find her at the YMCA most days she enjoys her time at home with her twin girls, Abby and Sophia and her husband, Gabe. Anna enjoys reading, spending time outside and golfing! Stop at Armbrust YMCA any time and introduce yourself. She would love to welcome you into class!