Protected behind our ribs is one of our most vital organs—it beats around 100,000 times per day, it expands with pride when a loved one achieves an insurmountable task, it breaks into a million pieces when we are hurt, and it continues to grow in love for those closest to us. Our heart provides blood to every part of our body so we can climb stairs, digest food, and create new ideas. An organ that does all of those things certainly deserves its own month of recognition—because we only have one and it deserves the best care.
As we sit in the afterglow of Valentine’s Day, it’s important to think about how we care for our heart in the everyday. Many of us have heard statistics regarding heart disease and its terrifying impact on our nation’s health status, but what about the simple care tips to keep it or regain its health?
Our mission at the Y is to focus on the spirit, mind and body—and focusing on all of those in your own day-to-day will greatly improve your cardiovascular health.
Here’s how:
- Spirit: When we take time to reach out to others we improve our health dramatically. Studies show that social isolation has a negative impact on our cardiovascular health. Take time today to reach out to someone who is on your mind-whether it be through phone call, text message, email, or a written note creating connections and maintaining healthy relationships is uplifting for you and the person who you reach out to.
- Mind: Practicing mindfulness is critically important to our heart health. You can practice mindfulness in a multitude of ways—choosing to log out of social media if it creates anxiety for you, eating meals more slowly and thoughtfully to avoid overconsumption, or practicing deep breathing in times of turmoil or stress.
- Body: Moving your body intentionally for 30 minutes every day has amazing benefits for your heart and your waistline! Take part in some kind of physical activity that raises your heart rate—walking, swimming, dancing, playing tag with your kids, lifting weights—most days of the week. Minimum recommendation is for 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week or 25 minutes of vigorous activity 3 days per week!
You can learn more about American Heart Month here or if you need one on one guidance to improve your health reach out to one of our Wellness Coaches at any of our locations.
We look forward to seeing you soon!