Youth Sports FAQ
Helpful links, info, etc.
Youth Sports Frequently Asked Questions
Baseball, softball & t-ball:
Flag Football:
We will try our best to find another team that may work in your favor as long as we get enough time to make the adjustments and there is availability on other teams.
We hold mandatory coaches meetings two weeks prior to the start of the season. Coaches will receive their roster and are encouraged to get in contact with players & parents as soon as possible by phone, email, or text with details about the upcoming season.
If bad weather occurs to the extent we must cancel your game you will be notified by us through our Playerspace platform. Please refrain from calling the YMCA Welcome Center Staff. You may also hear from your coach and can check your location’s Facebook page.
Due to the amount of participants registered, some leagues & programs may call for us to combine with other YMCAs in the Greater Omaha area.
The YMCA partners with Playerspace for electronic communication and league management.